Wisdom Road: "Ask. Believe. Receive." — Tame Bear (@TameBear) December 31, 2012
Making wine and laying it aside for the future expresses an essential faith and hope in the future. This week Treesh and I racked and bottled our latest batch — thirty bottles of clear red wine made from grapes we grew in our backyard. (With this batch, we finally nailed a long-standing haze/cloudiness problem, thus […]
I think that’s just a beautiful thing to share, I love you.
The centerpiece of our garden this year has been the cardoon. It took off growing before anything else and was head-high by end of April. Then it put out fluffy magenta thistle-like flowers. After that it died back and was dormant for most of the summer, as the tomatoes, potatoes, kale, lettuce, sunflowers, peppers and […]
Eventually, everything that can happen, does happen. The Bear learned this evening that it’s important to be sure the fermentation process is completely stopped before bottling a new batch of wine. Treesh and I make our own wine. This summer we made a wonderful batch of cherry wine, from sour cherries we picked from the […]