In a previous post I talked about how to use Traffic Exchanges (TEs) to create your unique identity on the web and build your list. I call it “Brand YOU.” Admittedly, that’s easier said than done. For me, putting up an email capture page is not real difficult. You see I’ve been doing this sort of thing for 14 years, designing and coding interactive web sites (HTML, JavaScript, PHP) and connecting them to MySQL databases. But you and I know it’s still way too complicated for most internet marketers and mere mortals to accomplish on their own.

Well today I’d like to show you something so easy, so beautiful in it’s simplicity, and yet so powerful in building traffic that no one should ignore it. Anyone can do this!

Traffic Sword - Viral Traffic 5-Miles Deep

Viral Traffic 5-Miles Deep

In my daily TE surfing I must have passed this page a few times before I finally stopped to read it. What is “Chain Letter Traffic” anyway?  The page claims you can get viral traffic with just four clicks and less than a minute of your time. So I tried it — I clicked four different links. I looked at the offerings there, I was invited to set up my own Traffic Sword page, and then I was done. Now I had a page of my own, with my text ad at the top, advertising my own Tame Bear web site.

What I’ve found in the past two months, is that this Traffic Sword page brings in more new people than any of the other TEs I use every day. Ok, the one exception: Traffic Ad Bar brings in about three times the traffic and sign-ups… but I think Traffic Sword will eventually outperform Traffic Ad Bar! (More about Traffic Ad Bar in an upcoming post.)

So once you’ve taken a minute to create your Traffic Sword page, what do you do with it? Why, add it to your TEs of course! Notice that I’ve framed my Sword page with a Traffic Ad Bar banner, so when it gets displayed at my favorite TEs, it’s also earning me additional credits back at Traffic Ad Bar! I love it!

How does this simple page draw more traffic? Well when you get your own Sword page, your link is at the top of the page. And when someone else creates their own Sword page from yours, your link moves to the second spot on their page. Before long you’ll have second spot on 5 other pages… and third spot on 25 other pages… and fourth spot on 625 other pages! This will take some time, but eventually you’ll even be getting some click-throughs in the fifth spot on 390,625 pages! Now you see why this is called “Chain Letter Traffic”?

Get your own Sword page right now, add it to your favorite Traffic Exchange, and do some traffic surfing to get it out there where others can find it.

Just a couple more tips about using your new Sword page:

  • The more you promote your page, the more new Sword pages it will generate from others. There is no limit to the width of this pyramid. You could be the second link on a hundred pages, or a thousand pages.
  • You can sign in to the Traffic Sword web site and check how many referrals you’ve made, and see how deep it goes.
  • Update your web page link on your Sword page any time. You can edit the text, change the URL, whatever.
  • Notice how I combined it with Traffic Ad Bar to earn even more credits – Smart Bear!

So easy! So powerful! Do it!

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