
Tame Bear on June 5th, 2023

A cat is a way to make regular trips to a pet store. Fear is the ability to entertain possibilities that have not happened and are not real. What’s the problem unless you think about it? #nonduality What problem do you have unless you’re thinking about it? An essential idea of #nonduality – thought entertains […]

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Tame Bear on March 2nd, 2017

This post was originally guest published on “Anne’s Therapeutic Massage” in March 2015, recounting a conversation with my CMT following a regular weekly massage session.  It is all about the experience of giving and receiving…

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Tame Bear on December 29th, 2016

The cat lays on my hand in my lap and stretches. When I look for my hand, the boundary between cat and hand is dissolved and in its place there is a sweet oneness or unity that binds me to the life of all animals.

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Tame Bear on March 3rd, 2015

About Kundalini on Twitter; live feed… Tweets about kundalini

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Tame Bear on December 31st, 2014

I wish all my dear readers all the blessings, goodness, kindness, good luck, triumph, perseverance, commitment, loyalty, and all the riches that life offers, all in a measure we are able to believe we can achieve, and imagine beholding, and prepare to receive. That sweet anticipation of a better and ever-improving future, beyond the normal turbulence we find […]

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Tame Bear on April 13th, 2014

FEEL the universe around you. Fall into the moment and let all your senses explore this now. When you’ve done that, slowly take your focus to the spot on earth where you are located, in this moment. Feel the whole earth, this amazing planet, splayed out around you. SEE how it is connected as one […]

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Tame Bear on May 7th, 2012

It may help you to begin a practice of meditation by narrowing your focus. Recall that the purpose of meditation is to transcend the apparent duality of the world by recognizing the illusion that’s placed upon our filtered perception of the world by the language and symbolic representation of the contrasting dual opposites. The mind […]

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Tame Bear on January 18th, 2011

In the summertime, The Bear buys a season pass at the Shanklin Park Pool, an outdoor swimming pool operated by our local Parks Dept. I go swimming three or four times a week, but I need to qualify what I mean by “swimming.” You see, bears don’t do your typical crawl stroke, breast stroke or […]

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Tame Bear on September 16th, 2010

Tribute The Bear is in awe of the once-a-year “Tribute in Light” that memorializes the horrific events of September 11th, 2001. It’s a remarkable testimony to the resilience of the human spirit. How is it that in remembrance of such an awful day — when the two towers that etched the New York skyline were […]

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Tame Bear on July 21st, 2010

When studied deeply, down at the subatomic level of particle physics, the material world we live in appears to be nothing more substantial than wisps of smoke. There’s hardly anything there! Everything that seems solid and hard to the touch consists mostly of space. The vast open spaces between particles is startling. Even the particles […]

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