“Doubling Down”

Trump the Grifter

Mister Trump is a “grifter.” A grifter is not merely a con artist; a grifter is the epitome of deceit, the lowest of the low in the hierarchy of humanity ...

A Cat…

A cat is a way to make regular trips to a pet store. Fear is the ability to entertain possibilities that have not happened and are not real. What's the ...

A Bit of Beauty Has Gone Out of the World

We put our dear cat Whidbey down last week, after a long drawn out illness. Now I have this tube of ashes and a few tufts of fur to bury ...

You Are Two

You are two. The one on the outside who everyone sees. And the one on the inside who interprets and narrates the world you experience. Many of us focus on the ...
Goodbye ClixSense PTC - Tame Bear Weblog

ClixSense Surveys, Tasks, and Offers… But No More PTC

SAD NEWS -- ClixSense PTC is permanently closing on Monday, July 17th, 2017. ClixSense made the announcement about a week ago in their login message. The company plans to continue its ...

Giving and Receiving – A Meditation

This post was originally guest published on "Anne's Therapeutic Massage" in March 2015, recounting a conversation with my CMT following a regular weekly massage session.  It is all about the experience of ...
:( ClixSense Running on Empty

How to Handle a Downturn? Find Opportunity

The year 2016 was a rough one for the Traffic Exchanges, with a big slap down delivered by PayPal. When PayPal banned the TEs from using their payment processing service, everyone -- owners, advertisers, publishers, ...

Getting Serious About Your Affiliate Marketing Business

How did you find your way into affiliate marketing? Like many people, I stumbled upon it by accident. In the summer of 2010 I was looking for some insights about how ...

The Cat

The cat lays on my hand in my lap and stretches. When I look for my hand, the boundary between cat and hand is dissolved and in its place there ...

The Most Obvious Wrong Answer

I keep hearing the same simple narrative about why a Trump president is good for the economy. It goes like this. Trump will open up oil exploration by cutting regulations ...