
Tame Bear on November 15th, 2012

In the following three videos, Dr. Lothar Shäfer of University of Arkansas delivers a presentation titled “Quantum Reality and the Importance of Consciousness in the Universe,” drawing a connection between our current scientific understanding of quantum physics and the role of non-dual, non-local conscious awareness. This presentation took place in Barcelos Portugal, in 2010. Shäfer begins […]

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Tame Bear on September 10th, 2012

Whew! What a day, what a day, what a day… Hey, is it only Monday??? I got a lot done today, and am kicking back with a manhattan and reminiscing about this thing we call “the world,” “reality,” the shared dream of our existence. Yeah, it only takes one or two of these manhattens to […]

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Tame Bear on August 11th, 2011

All the world is exactly and entirely as we have imagined it to be. That sounds so ordinary, but it is not. The “we” I speak of is everybody, all of us together, who are alive and imagining at this moment. If you read the Tame Bear Weblog regularly, you’ll recognize the underlying theme of […]

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Tame Bear on June 30th, 2011

“The world around you is the world inside you. They are not two things. You (in there) are the world (out here).” ~ Tame Bear  Seeing the ultimate indivisibility of all things is a key to understanding nonduality. The world is ONE, not TWO. In our minds, we slice up the world in a trillion different ways […]

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Tame Bear on March 26th, 2011

Few know it now, but we stand at the leading edge of one of the greatest cultural and spiritual renaissances the world has ever known. We have emerged from the greatest financial calamity our country has seen in nearly a hundred years. We appear to be as divisive as ever — some would say more […]

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Tame Bear on March 8th, 2011

So a couple weeks ago, The Bear discovered Quora, and signed up. Pretty quickly, I got an email from Quora, asking if “Tame Bear” was in fact my real name… A Quora admin said: “Hello, One of the rules of Quora is that everyone uses his or her real full name. Do you mind changing […]

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Tame Bear on February 13th, 2011

What is reality? At its most fundamental level, reality is very strange. Subatomic particle physicists, theoretical quantum physicists, cosmologists, string theorists, and multiverse theory mathematicians are all working to get at the underlying truth of reality: How is all this we see around us formed from basic building blocks? What are the rules and forces […]

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Saw the new summer movie (sure to be a blockbuster) “Inception” this evening at our local Linway Plaza theater. It was amazing — a movie about dreaming, that leaves you wondering what is real, and what is dream. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that one of the most original ideas in this […]

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