LoseIt.com is the place where friends help friends lose weight. It’s also helped people lose some 7,766,000 lbs! and counting. The Bear started using the Lose It! app (free on iPhone and Android) earlier this month to track calories and exercise. There’s a related web site, so I created an account. Achieve your weight goals faster with the first wifi body scaleMy goal is to lose 45lbs by end of July, and I needed some motivation… so I posted a note in the LoseIt.com forum inviting others with a similar 40-50 goal to be my friends. Boom — ten new friends almost immediately.

Building a Social Network Around Weight Loss

Now that I know I have people “looking over my shoulder” it’s a whole lot easier to hit my target each day and get regular exercise.

For example: that double banana split I ate in the wee hours this morning? Bad case of the munchies. Yeah, I’m gonna work it off by hitting the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail and knocking off a few miles. (I use a Polar Heart Rate Monitor to track my exercise calories burned.)

It’s also inspiring to see how well others are doing! Charles Kemp, for instance — he’s lost over 80lbs and is just 9 away from his goal. Woot!

I always get a few nice comments whenever I drop a pound or two. And encouragement when I miss my mark or have an “up” day.  Share as much or as little as you want; friends of friends see your comments and you’ll end up making even more friends. If you want to drop some of the holiday blubber this is the place to be. And if you’re looking for me to friend there, just search for my real name.

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